History of wifi

 Wi-Fi comprises of numerous various advances that utilization a wide range of licenses held by different organizations, so there is nobody innovator or designer. In 1971, an UHF remote bundle network was utilized in Hawaii, called ALOHAnet, to associate the islands. While not being Wi-Fi as we probably am aware it today, it helped establish the starting framework to remote systems administration, and later the introduction of Wi-Fi. 

The genuine forerunner to 802.11 and Wi-Fi was created by AT&T Corporation and NCR Corporation. Called WaveLAN, it was intended for use with sales register systems for remote correspondence. 

In 1997, the primary rendition of 802.11 was created and delivered for use, giving 2 Megabit for every second (Mbit/s) speeds. It would later be refreshed to 802.11b in 1999, speeding up to 11 Mbit/s. 

The expression "Wi-Fi" was authored by the Interbrand Corporation in line with the Wi-Fi Alliance. It isn't referred to precisely when 802.11b got known as Wi-Fi, however the term was utilized in August 1999, if not prior.


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